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Top 10 Best VoIP Resellers Veteran Owned BusinessesVeteran Owned Business Directory

Set-Asides: Veteran Owned Business Locations: Indiana
  • Nextgen Solutions

    Veteran Owned Business
    Marion, IL 62959

    Nextgen Solutions is a managed services IT company based in Marion, IL. We provide our customers with innovative solutions that supplement their current IT support, add IT support to companies that do not have dedicated IT professionals, simplify IT demands, help grow business through current and future technologies, mitigate down time and profit loss, and leverage current technologies to their fullest potential. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership The leadership skills, values, work ethic, overall culture that the military promotes provided me with the skills that I would later need to be a head of the curve as an entrepreneur. Skills such as speaking with confidence in front of individuals and groups, the importance of appearance, the importance of hard work and long hours, and being able to work with diverse groups and cultures are just a few of the notable ways military service prepared me for life as an entrepreneur.