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Veteran Owned Business

Shoe Stores and Accessories

Connecticut Veteran Owned Business Directory Top 10 Best Connecticut Shoe Stores and Accessories Veteran Owned Businesses

  • Zone of Action Clothing

    Veteran Owned Business
    Danielson, CT 6239

    Zone of Action offers badass patriotic apparel for badass patriots. What’s meant to be a motivational American brand, is also a way of building a platform to raise awareness for the 40,000 veterans who are currently homeless. While this is a for-profit company, giving to the veteran community is just as important as the business.

  • R. Derwin Clothiers

    Veteran Owned Business
    Litchfield, CT 6759

    R. Derwin Clothiers – The Men’s Store is an upscale haberdashery located on the historic Litchfield Town Green. Derwins’ is a family operated business founded by Richard Derwin more than 20 years ago. Our Ladies Store is also located on the Green.

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