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Top 10 Best Annual Veterans and Military Events Veteran Owned BusinessesVeteran Owned Business Directory

Set-Asides: All Locations: Arizona
  • Willing Warriors

    Non-Profit Organization
    Haymarket, VA 20169

    Willing Warriors is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization offering cost-free getaways from the hospital environment where the warriors and their families can come to relax, spend quality time together, and reconnect. Our programs include more than 60 cost-free educational and recreational activities, including seminars that address the issues of dealing with PTS and TBI. The intended outcome of these retreat stays is the warrior and their family members return to the routine of rebuilding their lives feeling refreshed and inspired. Willing Warriors is a privately funded 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The significance of our service is reflected in the growing coalition of individuals, businesses, corporations, and other organizations that help to carry out our mission.

  • Vets on Track Foundation

    Non-Profit Organization
    Stafford, VA 22556

    The Vets on Track Foundation is a state and federally registered 501(c)3 organization. The Foundation partners with community stakeholders, agencies (government and non-government), non-profit organizations and representatives serving first-responders, veterans and military families from across the country. Founded in 2015, this collective-impact approach, delivered through its Armed Forces Motorsports' Resource Summit Program, is the linchpin and mechanism for social change and innovation across first-responder and veteran care and support. Through our racing roots, we organize resource summits at race tracks and other locations across the country, bringing stakeholders and those in need, face-to-face to address specific issues. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership 22-years in the Marine Corps helped me to dig deep and forge forward even in times when most folks would have given up. Building and running a non-profit is not easy, but when you fully understand the meaning of service it makes the sacrifice much easier.

  • Continue Mission

    Non-Profit Organization
    Woods Cross, UT 84087

    Continue Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to pave the way to health and wellness for our military service members and their families by inspiring them to find the drive within through coordinated activities, education, and opportunities that further the mission. Continue Mission's goal is to facilitate improving quality of life through the experience of enjoying nature, recreation, and camaraderie. Continue Mission strives to build strength and determination to live a healthy lifestyle, discover the opportunities for the future and interact and integrate positively in family, social, and community life. Continue Mission invites civilians and communities to join together to support this mission. How Continue Mission can serve Veterans: * Recreational Activities Winter: - Alpine Skiing (Intermediate to Advanced) - Snowboarding (Intermediate to Advanced) - Nordic Skiing - Skate Skiing - Classic Cross County Skiing - Snowshoeing Summer: - Mountain Biking - Cycling - Hiking * Health and Wellness Awareness - Healthy Eating - Body Composition Testing - Being Active and Socializing with fellow Veterans - Emotional Support How the community can help Continue Mission in the endeavor to serve Veterans: * Service Projects: - Clothing Drives - Blanket Drives - Hygiene Kits/Supplies - Eagle Scout Projects Comments on the Military and Business Ownership During the war it was part of my duty to look out for my fellow Veterans and to keep them alive. Here at home I still have a duty to my fellow Veterans. I have chosen to continue serving their needs through Continue Mission. There are 22 Veterans suicides every day. My goal is to get Veterans out of the house and staying active so that they can start to enjoy life again.

  • Volunteer Security Enforcement Coalition for Students in School, Inc

    Non-Profit Organization
    Kingsville, TX 78363

    Volunteer Security Enforcement Coalition for Students in School is a nonprofit security organization hiring military veterans to be trained in level 2 security and placed outside of school campuses to deter any threat before it gets inside. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership It really helped to discipline me and put me on the path of an achiever. The time spent gave me an interesting view of the business world all around the world and I was exposed to some of the poorest people in other parts of the world who were moving along with their own businesses free from having a boss. I have been self-employed for the last 30 years within 5 different businesses. Sold 4 of the businesses over the years and this non-profit will be with me until death. God willing.

  • Texas Veterans Outdoors

    Non-Profit Organization
    McKinney, TX 75071

    Texas Veterans Outdoors is dedicated to be a charitable organization that provides a positive social atmosphere for Texas Veterans through educational outdoor experiences.

  • VOW22

    Non-Profit Organization
    Lake Jackson, TX 77566

    VOW22 seeks to prevent veteran suicide through community awareness, camaraderie, interaction and communication with veterans.

  • The Big Red Barn Retreat

    Non-Profit Organization
    Blythewood, SC 29016

    Responding to this crisis, The Big Red Barn Retreat, a 501(c)(3), was created in honor of Leon Irons, a veteran and entrepreneur. The mission of BRBR is to provide a place of healing, hope, and post-traumatic growth for veterans, active-duty military, and first responders. To date, BRBR provides an array of integrated, hands-on, therapeutic mental health services AT NO COST to over 9,000 of our state’s heroes experiencing post-traumatic or combat-related stress. BRBR’s wide-ranging program (e.g., equine-assisted therapy, restorative yoga, Tai Chi, Transcendental Meditation, healing arts and photography, music therapy, gardening/healthy eating, Farm-to-Table, beekeeping, and peer-to-peer mentoring) help our state’s warriors learn how to manage stress and improve their quality of life. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership The Big Red Barn Retreat was built in honor of Leon Irons, who passed away in 2009. Leon served in the Navy out of high school before beginning a successful career in the restaurant business. His family still operates the Sonic Drive-Ins in the Columbia area, as well as some other markets. To honor his life and his love of country, his family opened The Big Red Barn Retreat to help our military in need of healing find peace. The Big Red Barn Retreat is a non-profit 501(c)(3).

  • Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 34-4

    Non-Profit Organization
    Summerville, SC 29456

    Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 34-4 is an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say "Thank You." and "Welcome Home." Our membership is comprised of Full Members ( those with verified combat service ) and Supporter Members ( those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans ). We have members from nearly all 50 states and living abroad. Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now. We sponsor and/or participate in many motorcycle-related charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran care facilities and veteran charities.

  • NABVETS ColumbiaSC Chapter #0123

    Non-Profit Organization
    Columbia, SC 29209

    NABVETS COLUMBIASC CHAPTER #0123, is a Charter/Chapter member of the National Association For Black Veteran, NABVETS INC., founded and established in Milwaukee, WI, by eight WWII Combat Veterans who wanted to do and have more by way of services and support for all Black and Minority Veteran who were in their eyes being undeserved. NABVETS COLUMBIASC saw the vision and moved forward in it.

  • Team Foster

    Non-Profit Organization
    Glenside, PA 19038

    Team Foster is an all-volunteer charity dedicated to caring for wounded veterans. Our mission is ensure there is No Hero Left Behind. We are working to pair service dogs with veterans suffering from PTSD, TBI and related conditions. Our signature annual event is the Foster 100. This a 100 mile Cycling event from Philadelphia to Cape May. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership My military experience has made me a leader, a critical thinker and instilled a sense of commitment I did not have before. I have learned the value of resilience and dedication. Because of my military experience, I am better able to anticipate and avoid obstacles - but also bounce back quickly when encountering the inevitable set-back. I am focused, I am determined and I am honored to be a part of the veteran community.

  • Honoring America's Warriors

    Non-Profit Organization
    Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1822

    Honoring Americas Warriors is a 501(c) (3) non-profit tax exempt organization dedicated to supporting the physical, mental, and spiritual wellness services to our nation’s veterans. Honoring Americas Warriors provides teams of disabled / retired veterans a new mission to be back in service dress uniform to provide / augment military funeral honors for our brave that have served this country, colors presentations, memorials, and dedications to pay it forward once again. Honoring Americas Warriors also provides direct support to our nation’s heroes in the areas of outdoor sporting activities, adaptive sports, mental health & spiritual wellness, family & couples gatherings, service/companion dog placement, employment as well as promote prevention of veteran suicide, and “Homes for Warriors” program. Honoring Americas Warriors works with community leaders, elected officials and legislators, and other non-profit organizations to enhance veteran's awareness and promote veteran's initiatives.

  • Warriors' Journey Home

    Non-Profit Organization
    Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44224

    The Warriors’ Journey Home (WJH) is a non-profit (501c3) organization. We welcome Veterans who served, along with their family members and friends who want to participate, in welcoming the veterans home. We are a non-political, non-sectarian ministry. We provide a safe place for: Support, Education, Healing, Networking, Reconciliation, and Retreats.

  • Lorain County Music Fest

    Non-Profit Organization
    Grafton, OH 44044

    Lorain County Music Fest is a 10 not for profit, all ages, local, live music 3-Day camping event. Held annually with the help & love of donors, volunteers, musicians & music supporters! Held the first weekend of August, this year is August 5th-7th 2016. Lorain County Music Fest believes Music is the Universal Language we all understand. We showcase established, as well as new, up & coming acts & also debut 1st time out performers, in a non biased outdoor concert venue that welcomes all genres & all ages in a peaceful nature appreciative camping community atmosphere. In short we have provided through donations and volunteering, an affordable camping and music venue for all in our community and beyond. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING LIVE MUSIC! Comments on the Military and Business Ownership My service experience has helped me be diligent in my efforts to make these events happen, despite many obstacles, and to be prepared for any kind of weather condition, plus the knowledge to run security and to manage the events efficiently and then some.

  • Warrior Plantation, Inc.

    Non-Profit Organization
    Jacksonville, NC 28540

    Warrior Plantation is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of our nation's veterans and their families. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership I am the wife of a disabled veteran. Once my husband was medically retired, I learned that there were many veterans in need of services and support that they weren't getting elsewhere. Rather than wait for change, I decided to be that change. I want to help veterans and their families so that they don't struggle or feel abandoned like we did.

  • Grandmaz Hands

    Non-Profit Organization
    Charlotte, NC 28227-7849

    GrandMaz Hands 501©3 is an intense upreach/outreach agency for Homeless Veteran’s. Even though we open our Hearts and Hands to all who have served DAV’S (Disabled American Veterans), Vietnam Veterans, Reservists and Veteran’s from the current (2) wars Iraq and Afghanistan. We also provide services to their family members for the reunification of a Better Quality of Life for each veteran and his or her family member throughout the Mecklenburg and surrounding County areas. GMH’s focal points are to support and assist all Veteran’s no matter what his or her trials, tribulations or downfalls are or were. Veteran’s will be assisted and supported based on GrandMaz Hands Mission and Vision. What We Do: Provide solutions and on-site services to help in the elimination of homelessness of our veteran population. This shall be accomplished in concert with other State, Federal, Veteran services and local agencies, while educating community forums on understanding the life of a Homeless Veteran, DAV’S and other Veterans. We provide life skills training, intense career development & training tools, accountability & responsibility sessions, dress to impress, family reunifications, mock interviews, a clothes closet and food pantry, counseling (LPC) Licensed Professional Counselor/mental health/PTSD. Veterans have access to a full exercise room, and free massages (TBD) by therapist appointments made at (GrandMaz Hands) only.

  • Skydiving for Veterans - "Reckless with Red"

    Non-Profit Organization
    Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-6707

    “Reckless with Red” is an annual skydive fundraiser that benefits the Mental Health Association of Nassau County, a member of the Veterans Health Alliance of Long Island (VHALI). The goal of the fundraiser is to raise awareness and monetary support for a collaborative organization that is committed to meeting the needs of our veterans here on Long Island, NY. John “Red” Pelan, the namesake of the event, served as a combat paratrooper in the 187th Airborne during the Korean War. In 2008, Red was able to experience the feeling of jumping out of an airplane again for his 77th birthday when his granddaughter, Darah Salmaggi, envisioned an out-of-the-box event that would raise money for programs that would help our veterans recover from combat-related wounds such as PTSD and TBI. Now in its fifth year, “Reckless with Red” provides funding for vital programs set up by VHALI and there's a number of ways for your institution or company to demonstrate its support for the health and recovery of our veterans. Of the many ways listed in this sponsorship package available upon request, we find the most advantageous and mutually-beneficial arrangement involves your willingness to become an official sponsor of our annual skydive event and in return your company's logo would get great exposure printed on our jump-shirts.

  • Veterans and Community Global, Inc.

    Non-Profit Organization
    Albuquerque, NM 87108

    Veterans and Community Global is a non-profit organization which began as merely a dream in hopes of giving something back to those who gave to their country. Today, with the help and support of many dedicated United States Veterans and military members and their families, we have designed a "Veterans and Community Global" Web Site, which is available to all Military members and their families.

  • Backpacks For Life

    Non-Profit Organization
    Verona, NJ 7044

    Our mission is to provide Veterans with things they cannot provide for themselves. Reintegrating into society has many obstacles and sometimes isn’t always easy for veterans. We are the support system that homeless & low income veterans may not have. We help them get back on their feet; whether that means finding a job, finding housing or giving them a backpack full of daily essentials to help them survive. Homeless veterans make up a large portion of society and it is only right to help serve those who have protected our country. Many of the veterans we work with, do not qualify for programs that exist as they only apply to veterans once they become homeless. At Backpacks For Life, we believe that in order to end homelessness among veterans, we need to help veterans at risk by providing preventative measures. Whether it is holistic therapy, job hunting, helping to buy Christmas gifts for their children or changing out old tires for new, we work closely with veterans to understand the challenges they face and create a game plan that suits them. We want to set veterans up for success and guide them along the way by putting them in contact with only the best organizations and people out there. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership The life lessons in the military were priceless because of some of the life principles I learned. I think because I was taught by such a diverse group of people, it gave me a good idea on how to be a well rounded person. The intense discipline that was instilled into us regarding being a team member and how one person may not be able to do the impossible, but a team can make the impossible become possible. These are the key principles I learned and why I have become a successful person.

  • Warrior Thunder Foundation Inc

    Non-Profit Organization
    Millis, MA 2054

    The Warrior Thunder Foundation is organized exclusively to raise public awareness and charitable donations for the needs of veterans, particularly injured service men and women and their families. One mechanism for this venture is to organize and conduct an annual motorcycle run in the Metro West area of eastern Massachusetts. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership It taught me service to my community.

  • Sweats for Vets

    Non-Profit Organization
    Marlborough, MA 1752

    Just before Christmas 2011, a parent of one of my students was up at the Veterans' Homeless Shelter in Worcester. She saw a veteran with a Washington Redskins sweatshirt and commented that he was in Patriots' Nation. He quietly responded, "I know, but it is the only shirt I have." Ever since, Sweats for Vets raises "Boston-based" sweatshirts for homeless veterans throughout New England. Sweats for Vets provides sports-team hoodies (other items too) that offer both warmth and pride to homeless veterans across the Greater New England (NY & NC) area by rallying many dedicated volunteers and generous donors. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership As a company commander, I learned how to plan, manage and execute a mission. Our cause is easy because it comes from the heart.

  • VETSHired, Inc.

    Non-Profit Organization
    Haverhill, MA 1832

    VETSHired, Inc. connects veterans with companies and schools to get them into the work force. We specialize in matching veterans with target positions throughout the nation with our Partners. For veterans that do not have the necessary job skills, we connect them with VA approved schools to give them the necessary training to proceed onward to a rewarding career. VETSHired conducts Job Fair events to connect the veteran to a potential company and/or school. To attend a Job Fair in your area, contact us through our online form. You can register as Corporate Partner, Educational Partner or Veteran. Veteran attendance is always free. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership The military taught me leadership and how be self sufficient while still supporting a team atmosphere. I learned how to forecast challenges and implement a course of action to overcome those challenges just like you experience in owning a business.

  • Veterans Knowledge Online

    Non-Profit Organization
    Blue Island, IL

    Veteran's Knowledge On-line (VKO) Founded 1 January 2012, Veterans Knowledge Online (VKO) is dedicated to the men and women who've bravely served their country in the armed forces. The organizations unique purpose is to provide emergency financial assistance and relief to Armed Force Reservist, Veterans, and Disabled Veterans. Our mission is to ensure all veterans and their families obtain immediate resources at their fingertips. Veterans Knowledge Online (VKO) continue to emerge having successfully assisted service members, veterans, and their families with emergency financial assistance, housing and shelter, job resources, resume building, mock interviews, and VA Benefits. Our organization aims to provide global assistance to all veterans throughout the world. VKO has partnered with the Department of Defense, One Savvy Veteran, and VA transition Consultant. VKO Resources * Veterans Emergency Financial Assistance * Veterans Job Fair Announcements * Federal Resume Building and Mock Interviews * Department of Veterans Affairs: VA Benefits and Entitlements * VA Compensation and Pension, Guidelines * VA Educational Entitlements, Guidelines * USAR Recovery Care Coordinators (State Wide Line of Duty POC) * E-benefits Guidelines and Web access assistance * Veterans Discounts (List of Stores and Locations) * Veteran's Discount Card, Guidelines and Locations * Veterans Job Fair Announcements (State Wide) * Veteran's Driver's License, Guidelines * Vet Center Ref Comments on the Military and Business Ownership Having served 15 faithful years both Army active duty and reserves Human Resource Staff Sergeant, the military prepared me for the Civil Service through ample training on various travel, finance, information management, and medical systems. It has been an honor to serving and obtaining skills that will last throughout my civilian career.

  • The National Veteran Supplier Diversity Coalition

    Non-Profit Organization
    Roswell, GA 30075

    Our goal is to develop mutually beneficial relationships between companies and diverse suppliers, achieved through top-level collaboration, innovation and execution. Our nation's military produces some of the best entrepreneur's in the country, making partnerships with these firms as suppliers essential to a supplier diversity commitment.

  • Success To Succeed Foundation inc

    Non-Profit Organization
    Sugar Hill, GA 30518

    Success To Succeed Foundation Inc, is an non-profit 501c(3) organization that is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless veterans and the community. Giving our resident veterans and the community a positive life change focus through structured programs which focus on spiritual growth, education, employment, life management and recovery from substance abuse. Success To Succeed is a Outreach Center is a developmental community facility complex to house demographically characterized, for homeless veterans and the community. Through a variety of structured programs, Success To Succeed will presents new opportunities for its residents getting them back on their feet and successfully rejoining the mainstream as productive citizens. Our goal is to operate a retail location to accommodate the acceptance and re-sale of donated clothes, furniture, appliances and household items. Funds generated will support financial assistance to our participants such as rent, utilities, food vouchers, gasoline and public transportation. We offer additional assistance by facilitating connections with various resources throughout the community. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership Veteran spouse of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), veteran mother of the United States Navy Corps (USN) My passion to become an entrepreneur started when I was in middle school. With a strong desire to create things, I started basket making as an outlet for doing something for myself and at the same time helping others. That same passion continues today with a sincere desire to share my knowledge and skills. I have gained the knowledge necessary to accept the challenge of running a business as an opportunity to help others. The greatest challenge is to sustain that excitement and enthusiasm, and never lose the passion! Always being a 'sponge' for learning new things, while trying to make it a success for all stakeholders. What is so amazing is that it is a shared joy, because it reflects the generosity of our friends who continue to reach out to others in need, to make a difference that can be seen, felt, and measured.

  • LCpl Janos V Lutz Live To Tell Foundation

    Non-Profit Organization
    Davie, FL 33330

    LCpl Janos V Lutz Live To Tell Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in South Florida, founded to decrease veteran suicide as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), raise awareness, and provide support for returning veterans & their families. OUR MISSION: To improve the lives of servicemen and women with supportive services, access to local resources, and building community. LCpl Lutz Buddy Up Combat Outpost “Where No Veteran Walks Alone!” – Buddy Up COPs provides a physical place for serving veterans and families. Here veterans are connected locally and enjoy the company of fellow warfighters over dinner and fun activities. Recreational events as well as access to local support services information is available at each COP. LCpl Lutz Buddy Up Program is an effective method by which veterans share in the responsibility for each other’s safety and well-being. This type of active support is important for veterans and their acclimation to civilian life especially those who recently returned from deployment or live in an area without any known battle buddies. Buddies are able to connect with other in person at Buddy Up COPs, online through Buddy Up social media groups, and soon via mobile through the Buddy Up App.

  • Wounded Warrior Project

    Non-Profit Organization
    Jacksonville, FL 32256

    The Wounded Warrior Project's mission: To honor and empower wounded warriors. Vision: To foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history. Purpose: To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members, To help injured service members aid and assist each other, and To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

  • Tampa Bay Frogman

    Non-Profit Organization
    St. Petersburg, FL 33703

    The Frogman Swim is a 5k open water swim and fundraiser across Tampa Bay that benefits the Navy SEAL Foundation. Our goal is to build national awareness of the Naval Special Warfare community and become a key fundraiser of the Navy SEAL Foundation by building a premier annual event that challenges athletes with weather conditions similar to SEAL training. Come swim with the Navy SEALs and help us "never leave a man behind" On January 3rd, 2010 with less than 3 weeks notice, a grass roots effort brought over 30 people together at Gandy Beach in St Petersburg, FL to swim across the 55 degree waters of Tampa Bay, raising over $30,000 for a severely injured active duty Navy SEAL. The 5k point to point swim has evolved into an annual event that is now an official Navy SEAL Foundation fundraiser and has raised over $3 million dollars for the Foundation. The Navy SEAL Foundation has earned the coveted four-star rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. The Foundation has also been certified by Charities of America as a “Best in America” charity. Ninety-five cents of every dollar spent by the Navy SEAL Foundation directly supports its mission, programs and services.

  • American Legion - Post 101 Somers Connecticut

    Non-Profit Organization
    Somers, CT 06071-1939

    American Legion - Post 101 Somers Connecticut (Tolland County CT). Buck-Dubiel Post #101 Located at 249 Ninth District Road.

  • Veteran Services of New England

    Service Disabled Veteran Owned
    Old Lyme, CT 6371

    We provide services at location accessible through public transportation and in cooperation with local partners that reach into the communities in which the Veterans, military members and associated families live. One such initiative out of several, is our Armed Forces Community Coffeehouses where we are able to reach all eras of Veterans to provided requested and much needed information. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership As a result my first assignment as an MP I was to be deployed to the ROK as a component of the peace keeping force at Camp Casey. After becoming familiar with the "on post" duties I was promoted to work in the village of Dongducheon with the local officials. It was during the performance of these duties that I realized, much later in life, that it was the situational need to be able to negotiate, to respond versus react to horrendous events have played a key role in my life skills.

  • Painted Paws For Veterans

    Non-Profit Organization
    Cotopaxi, CO 81223

    Painted Paws For Veterans is a non profit for Disabled Veterans and Veterans families with Disabled family members. We provide therapy companions for those in need and Service dogs in training for those that can train with their new life companion. We make house calls, visit hospitals and assisted living housing with our Service dogs and therapy dogs for those that wish to have us visit. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership Understanding commitment. Being goal oriented and focused on success. Team building success and understanding leadership.

  • MENdleton Foundation

    Non-Profit Organization
    Fallbrook, CA 92028

    The MENdleton Foundation was created with one simple idea; leave no brother behind. MENdleton started life as a Facebook group designed to build camaraderie and give Camp Pendleton Marines and Sailors a way to exchange extra gear. One evening, though, a Marine, in a dark place and with nowhere else to turn, reached out for support. Within the hour, dozens had offered him the helping hand he needed. Since that fateful evening, our membership has grown tenfold, but one thing has remained the same; Brotherhood. MENdleton has been, and will remain, a place for Service members to help Service members. MENdleton is comprised of active duty service members and veterans of all branches in two separate functions; a private members only online forum, and our public nonprofit foundation. The MENdleton Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) charity which enables us to use generous donations to help us connect veterans, host events, and set up outings as a means to help raise awareness of the suicide epidemic that is plaguing our beloved military. The MENdleton Foundation is on a mission to drop the suicide rate of our veterans to zero, because even one life taken from this world to soon is one too many.

  • Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce

    Non-Profit Organization
    Glendale, AZ 85022

    The vision of the Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce is to be the most Veteran supportive organization in the state of Arizona and for Arizona to be the most Veteran supportive state in the nation. The SWVCC mission is to improve business opportunities and enhance the economic environment of Veterans, Veteran Owned and Veteran Supportive businesses in the Southwestern United States.

  • MARSOC Foundation

    Non-Profit Organization
    Fountain Hills, AZ 85269

    The MARSOC Foundation d/b/a Marine Raider Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides benevolent support to Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) personnel and their families, as well as WWII Marine Raiders. The Foundation fills gaps where the government and other entities are not able to assist, and emphasizes building personal, professional and family resiliency. Comments on the Military and Business Ownership The Founder of the MARSOC Foundation d/b/a Marine Raider Foundation saw firsthand gaps that could be filled for the Raider community by a benevolent organization. The Founder is also familiar with the service and sacrifice of MARSOC personnel and their families, and the importance of building and enhancing resiliency personally, professionally and for the entire family.